MUN Botanical Garden, the only botanical garden that serves the entire province of Newfoundland and Labrador, had outgrown its budgets, facilities, and available staffing. To address these demands, CVDA led the team of consultants to prepare the Strategic Master Plan for and address a development strategy from the viewpoints of land use, finance, and marketing. As the Strategic Planning Working Group and the consultants worked together, the strategic goals and subsequently proposed programs and site features were based on comprehensive site, financial, and market analysis. The proposed measures were evaluated from a fiscal and marketing standpoint with long-term sustainability in mind, to assure that this ambitious ten-year (2010-2019) development plan was also attainable.
Upon evaluating all of the natural features of the site, access from the highway, circulation, and the potential for expanded development, it was suggested that the area known as Sheppard’s Pit may present the best option for the newly expanded facilities. The Site Development plan and narrative address collection management, access and circulation, development of trails in natural areas, and visual vocabulary to enhance the image of the institution.